Download The hat fic 2 read synonym

The cherry fic I made the decision to read The Hat Fic, The Hat Fic 2, The Skin Fic, The Skin Fic 2, The Chair Fic Prequel, The Chair Fic, The Chair Fic 2, The Milk Fic, The Custard Fic, The Placenta Fic, The Cherry Fic, and The Kitten Fic…. His friend had a tendency to do crazy things every now and then but she seemed oddly calm and there was a soft smile playing on her face. He looked at her, waiting for his response and emanating a calmness that he only ever saw when she was tattooing. Took me into the city. To see a marching band. Sorry, tag list is closed! He does look good, though. You lean up to get a better view and appreciate him fully, and instantly groan. Dan POV I awake to see Phil kneeling in the corner of my room, with his hands in a praying position. Weird moans of enjoyment come from him, as he seems almost possessed. His head turns to me, as he quickly rushes over. He pounces on me, pinning me to the ground. He pulls the hat fic 2 read synonym a shank from his pocket, and slices a straight line across my pants, and tears them off. He chuckles slightly, and stabs it into my penis. Strawberry red blood gushes out of my cock, along with silky white sperm and a combination of sperm and blood splatter Phils face and drench the shank. He forces it out, and thrusts it into my testicles, carving the insides and slicing through the right testicle all the way to the left. He grips a bit of the skin, and pulls it. The skin tears out as blood pours all over my crotch. I try the hat fic 2 read synonym scream, but my nerves are aching- and screaming is out of my capability. What are you doing? I stare into his eyes. His pupils are huge and dialated and the hat fic 2 read synonym usually brown eyes are merging into a corse shade of red. His eyebrows are tilted slightly downwards, as his teeth suddenly seem somewhat sharper. He looks high, as if on some sort of drug. Are you on drugs??? He returns with a blender and a large measuring cup. He must mean chicken. Who the hell would put a penis into a smoothie? Certainly not a sane person. But is Phil even CLOSE to sane at this point?

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Urban Dictionary: The hat fic
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